Saturday, June 5, 2010


A sister gave a really informative talk a few weeks ago that I'd like to share:

When Bishop asked me to share some thoughts for the time that I have been first counselor, I kept thinking of the word ALOHA.
Most of us know that Hawai'i is called the "Aloha State." Some of you may not know that we actually have a law called "the Aloha Spirit Law." It is in the Hawai'i Revised Statutes, Chapter 5, Section 7.5. Written by Aunty Pilahi Paki and Alvin Shim. ALOHA is so much more than just hello, goodbye, or love.
When we speak of ALOHA, we speak of ALO - being face to face in the presence of HĀ - the breath of life. In other words, being in the presence of God.
Every time I hear the tourist pronunciation of aloha - A-LOOOOOO-HA! I cringe, because the hā is not meant to be pronounced like you're hacking out a hair ball.
A - Akahai, meaning kindness to be expressed with tenderness:
L - Lōkahi, meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony;
O - 'olu'olu, meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness;
H - ha'aha'a, meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty;
A - ahonui, meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance.
Relief Society means ALOHA.