Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cousins for Cousins

Here's the kiddos opening their gifts from Mema and Papa.

They love their new snowman ornaments! I love Jacob's expression here.

A big thank you to the cousin (I don't have the list in front of me and I don't remember who had my kids) who gave Jacob and Marcus their cool new transformer cars. Marcus's never leaves his side!

Holy cow--these things were a hoot! (see video below) The boys are having such fun with these bad boys!

Sporting our new aprons! These are adorable! Thank you Mema!

Julia putting her new apron to use as she makes cookies for Santa.

More Ornaments

Julia made this lovely ornament at school. The picture was taken at the beginning of the school year and then the kids decorated them this month. Isn't it cool?

Ryan and I like to get new family ornamets each year. We went with the spirit of Aloha on this one.

Ice Skating

We went ice skating on Christmas Eve with our friends, John and Jorjann (we found the one and only ice skating rink on this island). It was soooo exciting! We haven't been since Evelyn was a baby and so we were all looking forward to it. The kids complained about having to bring their warmest jackets ("It's too hot outside, Mom!"), but once we got inside the rink, they were quite glad Mom made them bring them. :) Ryan stubbornly refused to bring his and paid for it dearly (his ears were quite frozen). But we loved every minute of the cold--it finally felt like winter to us!

Anyway, about the last time we went skating--Jacob was in hockey shoes and he could barely keep his balance. The rink provided buckets for the kids to turn upside down and they could hold onto them to skate that way. Well, look how it's evolved now! Dude, they have WALKERS! Where were these things when I was a kid?!

There was this small area roped off for small kids/or regular beginners who needed to walkers. It was looped like a regular raceway so that everyone was going the same direction. It didn't take long for Evelyn to get the hang of it and want to try out the rest of the rink. If you're wondering where the pix of Julia are at--she was too fast. She already knows how to skate and she was off as soon as we hit the ice.

Look in the background of the video below (I know, it's kinda fuzzy). A young girl in a white jacket with a stripe across the front is going by--that's Julia. She's good, eh? Jacob is in a black jacket and he takes off in the very beginning (before Ry points).

Seriously, nothing like ice skating and hot chocolate! I've promised the kids that I'm going to take them again next year during the winter (Marcus will be 4 then and be able to handle a walker--this year he stayed home with my Mom). It's our way of experiencing a bit of winter (but as soon as we got outside, off went the jackets--too hot!).

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mele Kalikimaka!

We were given an early Christmas present last week--a good friend of ours called us up early afternoon and informed us that we were to be dressed up (classy/dressy) and ready to go by 6:30pm. We rolled with it. When our friend arrived, he presented us with tickets to go and see the Nutcracker in Honolulu! What an awesome gift! He even chauffered us since parking is slim pickings down there. We made good time and had about 30 minutes to walk around. There was this one strip that was decorated and labeled "Honolulu City Lights". Here's some of what we admired:

Yeah, only here would Santa's helper be in board shorts and sporting some Aloha wear. :)

Santa's train! Do you guys like the pineapple right on top of the front?

Mr. and Mrs. Claus telling everyone to hang loose.

Yes, the snowman on the far left has a surf idea what he plans to do with that!

This picture doesn't do the lights justice. It was so magical walking among so many beautiful Christmas lights.
After admiring everything, we headed to the theater. We were seated somewhat near the back row, but right in the middle of it. It was perfect. The orchestra was beautiful and the dancers were AMAZING! Incredible talent! My favorites were the Chinese dancers while Ry really liked the Arabians (they were soooo wonderful!). We enjoyed it so much, we've decided to make it a tradition of ours--from now on, each year that Ryan is home, we're going to go and see the Nutcracker. We actually saw it two years ago (right before Ry joined the military) and we were taken with the show then, too. I'm quite looking forward to this new tradition!

Evelyn Ornament

Evelyn came home from school with an adorable ornament that they made in her kindergarden class. I love it when they make homemade ornaments!!!!

Just some cute photos....

Marcus came home from Nursery last week with a special ornament which he made. I LOVE it!

We took my mom to see the Laie Temple and to see the Visitor's Center. It was completely decorated for Christmas and very beautiful. The temple is sparkling white now (when I last posted pix of it, it looked very gray). It's said to open in either July or August. We are VERY excited for that. Here's Evelyn and Julia enjoying the manger scene.

While Ry and I were at the obstacle course, Mom took the kids to our big playground. Marcus absolutely loves this place (literally just down the street from my house).

Evelyn all decked out in her Aloha dress. Of course, she practically lives in dresses and skirts (princess to the core!).

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obstacle course

To kick off Christmas vacation, Ryan and I went to go and scale an obstacle course that Ry and his soldiers use for PT. I warned him before hand that I probably wouldn't be able to do some of it but as long as he helped me, then I was definitely in.

The first obstacle we come to is an 8ft wall. Ryan took a flying leap at it and swung his body over, making it look so easy. I took a big jump and couldn't even touch the top. Ry helped me get up. :) The board was pretty thin--I was trying so hard not to move for this pic cause I was literally abouty to fall off!

Next up is getting down a cliff using the rope. Put it in between your legs and lean out. No problem.

Now this, on the other hand, was the exact opposite of easy. Notice the step below my feet? (I'm not standing on anything--that thing was several feet behind me). We're supposed to stand on that and jump up to the log I'm hanging off of and swing your body around and jump off. The log I'm hanging off of was so far in front of the lower log that I couldn't reach it. Again, had to have Ry's help.

Dude, here I am on yet another log. Climb/walk up it to get up to the cliff. That thing was so slippery and there was nothing to hang on to. I think I actually felt some fear when I got up a bit and my feet started sliding backwards...
There was two logs, and apparently the one I tried before was the hard one. This one here was shorter and had some grooves that I could hang on to.

Heading down another cliff with the rope. It was different this time cause there were branches and logs everywhere so we had to be careful where we placed our feet.

Ok, by this time, I'm pretty tired (there were other obstacles along the way that we didn't snap pix the pyramid that we had to climb--over a beam, then under a beam, over and under, over and under--my arms and legs will have bruises from that one!). Anyway, with this one, we get to use the rope and climb up a cliff. Ugh. I really didn't think I was going to make it, but I somehow made it.

Climbing my way to the top....

Here was my favorite: start at the edge and use the wood to get to the other side. There were different heights and VERY far apart (especially for us short people). At the beginning, I had to take a flying leap to get to the second step. If you don't make it and fall, you have to start at the beginning again. If you simply can't do it at all, then army crawl on your stomach to the other side. I fell off a couple of times and was terrified that I was going to land wrong on the wood and roll my ankle. But the cool part was choosing the strategy to get to the other side. In this pic, I'm pretty much stretched out as far as I was flexible.

Here we are at the end of the course...and it's another wall. :P This pic also shows you just how tall it was. Again, Ry jumped up like it was nothing and then helped me up.
Needless to say, we were an absolute MESS by the time we were done (and I was eaten 14 times by mosquitos), but it felt AWESOME. We can already spot some bruises on our arms from hanging/dangling from the square beams with our arms and legs and now that it's the end of the day I'm REALLY feeling my sore muscles. :P But we're going to do this again next week for the fun of it. :)
Oh, and Papa, I forgot my camera (didn't think I'd need it for a workout) and Ry wouldn't hand over his phone so that I could take HIS pictures. I'll get him next week though!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Marcus!

Marcus was so excited all day--he had the biggest grin on his face when he woke up and the first thing we said to him was "Happy Birthday!". Since Ryan had to work, we ended up opening his gifts in the evening. The other kiddos were actually outside playing with friends, and Marcus's friend, Leilani, was with us (sitting right next to me). It was all good.

Here he is opening his gift from Mema and Papa:

To go along with his new fire station, our gift to him was some emergency vehicles. He laid them all out and was sooooo excited to play with them.

Mom and Dad, he L-O-V-E-S his fire station! He figured out the bridge (which he calls a toll bridge, I think he's been watching too much Dora) and loves to be able to put his cars in the garage and all over. Thank you sooo much!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Stop and smell the roses

Christmas break has started and life was already a bit crazy and hectic with the holidays around the corner. Dashing throughout the morning to get kids showered and out the door to school, cleaning around the house while having special time with Marcus, picking kids up from school, homework, dinner, dishes, ect......

But then, sometimes I spy something that makes me stop and realize that in all the craziness we call life, there are such truly special moments that happen and we have to pause or we'll miss it. I spied one such moment today and ran to get the camera because it's too precious NOT to document so that I can go back and see it over and over.

Here's my beautiful moment:

Thursday, December 17, 2009

All the kindergardeners performed three holiday songs yesterday. Mom, Marcus and I were there to watch Evelyn perform.

This first song is called Hola Amigo. If you can't find her, Evelyn is the little girl in the middle with pigtails and pink bows (brown shirt). She was so excited and so into the song she about took off her classmates heads with the hand movements! I was laughing so hard I'm surprised that the camera wasn't shaking.

Santa came!

Our company had it's Christmas party this week. It was a chili cook off with a surprise for the kiddos--Santa came! He and his wife showed up on a huge Harley. The kids went absolutely wild.

We overhead on child exclaiming "LOOK! It's Santa, the real Santa! Look, of course it's him cause he's on a motorcycle!"


Apparently, to some children, real Santa's ride Harley's.

The kids swarmed him as soon as he exited the bike.

The line formed pretty quickly. Each child had the opportunity to sit on his lap and receive a package of goodies and a present (DVD's).

Marcus LOVES Santa. He kept going back to say "hi"and blow bubbles with him.

Jacob was busy all night playing football and soccer with the other boys. He paused long enough to smile for the camera and give Santa a hug.

As for the chili cook off, about 15 different people brought in their chili for everyone. The CO, 1st Sgt, and someone else (slipped my mind at the moment) were the three judges. I made a double batch of my steak and black bean chili to share. Turns out that lots of people liked it. I ended up taking 2nd place!

If you can't read it, it's the 1st Annual Chili Cook Off. "Sappers Lead The Way". :)

Just some silly pictures of Evelyn

These were just way too cute not to post. We were sitting at the edge of a field where Ryan was playing football (it was the battalion Christmas bowl). The players were waaaaay too far out to get any good pictures, so I turned the camera on the kiddos. Evelyn was being quite goofy for the camera.