Sunday, January 30, 2011

Space ships

We woke up extra early the day after his party so that we could work on his Lego ships. We decided to separate all the pieces and sort them into groups by color and shapes. It made it so much easier to find the pieces we needed!

And this piece goes here.....

(Three games of bowling took a toll on his little finger....) :(

And voila! Three awesome space ships!!!! Gotta tell you Mema, Papa, and Granny Mac--he plays with these EVERY SINGLE DAY. They are his prized possessions. lol. Marcus happens to love them now, too and Jacob is always willing to let him run around with the white and red one. Not so much with his other two. :) Thank you guys so much for these awesome space ships!!!

The After Party

After the bowling party, some of the girls came back to our house to hang out and help Jacob discover some of his new toys. Jacob was figuring out the logistics on his new gun.

Yep, got it!

He let Avery have a go with the gun that Ryan gave him for Christmas.

Dude, I swear the whole thing outweighed her!

All crouched around Julia's DS.

Birthday Party

I promised Jacob a birthday party this year. I wanted to do something fun and active without having a mess to clean up in my house. So we took to the bowling alley instead! Here he is with a bunch of his friends (Julia decided to stay home and Evelyn was sick that day). What a bunch of crazies! Nine year old boys are an absolute hoot!

I find this pix hilarious--the two girls on the right are sisters and come from an all girl family. I think they were in shock when they saw how crazy the boys were.

These two were jamming to the music on the jukebox. Jacob's got the guitar while his friend was on the drums.

Going for the spare!!!!

Marcus did a pretty good job, too! Gotta love bumpers!

Time to open presents!

Oh boy--everyone in the neighborhood watch out! Actually, I think all the boys in our culdesac have nerf guns. So I think we're going to see a big increase in the bullets that are being launched now.

All the boys got excited when Jacob opened our family gift--gotta love Leggo Star Wars!

Mema and Papa--it was EXACTLY the ship he wanted!!!! Can't wait to put it together!

A big thank you to Granny Mac for helping to build up his army of battleships!

Cake time! Since Jacob's not big into cake, I just got the huge cookie cakes from the commissary.

A huge thank you to Courtney for sticking around and helping out. She's the one with 3 little girls and no boys...this party was extremely entertaining to her.

Avery and Jacob--best buds.

Oh, those boys!

Little man growing up!

It really just hit me today as I was looking at him at church--how much he's growing up! Not a little baby and not even a toddler anymore! And handsome as handsome can be!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another conversation with Evie...

Me: "Hey Evie Andy, since you lost your bottom tooth, you now have a door."

Evie: "What if I lose one of my top teeth?"

Me: "Then you have a window."

Evie: "Oh! I get it--like a house. So, since Julia lost one of her molars, does that mean that she has a back door?"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A conversation with Evelyn

Evelyn: "Skittles is SOOOO CUTE!"

Me: "Just like you're so cute?"


Evelyn: "She's not THAT cute."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What a day!

Double whammie! As soon as Julia got home, she informed me that her molar was practically hanging off and "would you PLEAAAAAASE take it out?!". So I checked, and yeah, it was hanging by a thread. She just couldn't stomach taking it out herself. LOL. Anyway, here's the side by side shot. You can hardly see Evelyn's, her's is so small. Tooth fairy has two girls to visit in our household. She came earlier and left Julia one small gift--the fourth Maximum Ride book (she has the first three already).

AAAAAAAnnnnnnnnd! Marcus totally took initiative and went poop on the potty all by himself today! When I was trying to get dinner ready, helping Jacob with his homework, and trying to get Evelyn to read her book, Marcus apparently recognized the need to go and did it all by himself. I didn't even know til I heard him calling my name from the bathroom. I went to check on him and he was just sitting there with a big grin on his face. :D So he got the promised Woody doll to go along with his Buzz Lightyear.

He's just so darn cute! And he now totes these two toys with him EVERYWHERE.

Tooth Fairy Time

She's had a wiggly tooth for a long time and it just became VERY wiggly last week. Today it kinda fell over sideways in her mouth, so we took it out. Evelyn's so excited about getting her own Dove Chocolate Ice Cream (reward from Mommy for losing a tooth) and getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bribery in its best form

I told Marcus a long time ago that I'd give him a prize if he would poop on the toilet. It could be anything he wanted. After watching Toy Story 3 as a family (this was before Ry left), he decided he wanted a Buzz Light Year. Time has come and gone...and he never did end up doing the deed. Although, as I would change his pull up each day, he'd say, "Mom, if I put my blech in the toilet, I get my Buzz!!!"

Finally--yesterday morning he did it! And at school to boot (it was right when we arrived and I took him to the bathroom). I was sooooo happy and proud of him! His teacher and I gave him high praises for being such a big boy and I promised to take him on our Buzz hunt after school.

So when I picked him up, we just headed over to Walmart since I remember seeing an entire isle dedicated to the Toy Story 3 movie. It was pretty bare when we arrived. There was only 3 Buzz and one lonely Woody left. This certain Buzz is EXACTLY like the one in the movie. His laser lights up, he talks, and his wings pop out. Hooray! I know they had other ones around Christmastime, but they didn't do any of those things. The buttons on him were just decorations. This one is the real deal. :)

Can you tell that he was just a little bit excited about his hard earned toy?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Skittles part 2

Everyone sure does love our little Skittles (who isn't so little anymore). Skittles loves hanging out in my room (under my bed, in my closet, under my comforter, on the king chair, ect). The kids know that if they want to find her, all they have to do is comb my room. I walked into my room yesterday to find that Evelyn and Marcus had tracked Skittles down and settled themselves into the king chair for some snuggle time.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Half Way!!!!

Ladies and Gents, we are officially halfway done with the deployment! In celebration of this, the brigade got together for games, shout outs (Julia did one for Ry--I have no idea when the video will make it to him), bounce houses, cotton candy, popcorn, candle lit vigil for those who have fallen, ect. Below, here we are spelling it out for our guys to see. :):):) Where are we exactly? Hmmm, if I remember right, I think we're in the "A" in "HALF".

Can you spot Marcus?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

You've had a birthday, shout hooray!

Marcus came home from school with the biggest grin on his face--his teacher celebrated all the December birthdays (a little late--but Christmas break took up most of Dec). She made him a special crown to wear--it tells his age and his name.

He was being sooooo silly. I was in the driver's seat trying to snap his picture and he just thought it was hilarious.

And then the crash in adrenalin came. Insert thumb in mouth and assume the position. It hit him how tuckered out he really was. Nap time!

Such a big boy!