Sunday, April 20, 2008

Squad Olympics and Leadership Obstacle Course

Ryan said that this was a lot of hard work but so much fun. If you go to the link below, you'll be able to get a better idea (from all 249 pictures there) of what was going on. I posted just the ones which I was able to spy Ryan in...who knows though, I may have missed him in some others (everyone looks alike!).

I think Ryan is the one lying on the ground on the bottom right...but don't take my word for it.

Again Ryan is on the far right...

Here's the link for the Leadership Obstacle Course which he went through just a couple of days ago. I'm still not quite sure of everything that it involved. What I do know is that the past couple days whenever I've been webcaming with Ryan, his boots have been air drying in the window of his room cause of whatever went on in the course.