Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bolton Obstacle Course

Anyone wondering what Ryan's been up to? He gave me a link where we can see the obstacle course he did earlier this week (I believe it was this week!):

I've posted just a few of the pictures found there (there's 100 posted on the above link). All in all it looks like fun to me (of course I'm saying that from the comfort of my computer chair in my nice warm (and dry) living room. :)

These two are both making their way down from the top by using the ropes. The guy on the right is doing it properly...the guy on the left--not so much.

Good thing Ryan is over his fear of heights huh? I'd love to scale this looks like fun! However, they didn't scale it. They had to climb up the other side of it (a ladder of sorts I think) and then climb over a small platform and climb down...and there wasn't a safety net! Ryan said it was quite terrifying.

Never leave a soldier behind...everyone had to help everyone get up to the next level.

Guh-ross! Here's the belly crawl through some nice mud puddles and barbed wire.

Ryan doesn't look too enthused about it and I don't blame him! It looks like he hardly fits!

But he was having fun none the less!


Joycelyn said...

I wish that Randy had pix like this posted on the internet when he was in BCT! I know Ryan's done with that now, but how cool that you have pix of him!!! He does look like he's having the time of his life. :-)