Saturday, April 12, 2008

Classing Up

I found some new pictures from the previously posted link for Ryan. It's called "Classing Up" (after clicking on the link mentioned, look on the far left at the top and it has three folders listed--5 mile ruck march, classing up, and the obstacle course). I asked Ryan what these pictures were all about. He said it's when they get the black collars they wear and begin OCS.

Here's where it all began for them. Little white packets and their collars. Look closely and you can see Ryan standing in the back right in the middle.

Flag ceremony part of it...not sure what's going on. The tall skinny head in the back is Ryan's. :)

The insignia on the brick is the symbol they all wear around their necks. I think it looks dashing...Ryan can't stand it cause the wrap is very hot. LOL.

Ryan's head is covering a bit of the OCS on the left.

Ryan says that every day, before meals and after meals, they have to do a pull up for every week they've been there. I think they're just up to two pull ups for now. I think Ryan is the guy putting his beret on.

Getting geared up to do his pull up on the left.

These things aren't easy! But he's doing great!