Monday, February 4, 2008

Update on Old Man River

Apparently Ryan has a new nickname? *shrugs shoulders* He may be old...but he's one of the fittest in his platoon of 60 some odd kids! He found out a week ago (or so) that he had the second highest PT score in his platoon. HA!

It sounds like he's gotten into a bunch of fun training. A repelling wall, crossing a one rope, two rope, and a three rope bridge--all about 50ft in the air. Ryan said that he didn't even blink...and this is the same guy who got stuck on our roof a few years ago and I had to call Meg to come over to coax him down--all cause of his fear of heights. Wow, he's come a long way! (I also ribbed him in my last letter that he now has no excuse to not put up Christmas lights on our house!).

He's been bayonet training which he called "interesting". I honestly have a hard time picturing him fighting (let alone even throwing a punch!). He said that he was hesitant at first since these moves were intended to kill or seriously injure the enemy. But the more he practiced the more he realized that these moves could save his life one day. After that thought, he didn't hold back anymore (I still have a hard time imagining that!).

He's also been doing some pugil fighting. His team won another ribbon because they won the most matches (and of course Ryan won his!). I think he gloated a bit cause his opponent was a bit bigger than he was.

As of 1-26 he received his first letter (and was on seventh heaven). I think it was a real boost to him to have some connection to home. (psst! A big thank you to whoever it is at St. John's who is passing out paper and having everyone write him a note. It's really appreciated!) He's hoping to see anyone that can make it to graduation. In his words--"I know I originally said that it wasn't a big deal. But I have changed my mind. This is a lot of hard work!" LOL. I don't know...sometimes (like today) I think that he has it easier...sometimes I'd like to go and scale a wall and let him try and potty train our 3 year old! ;)

He talked to some OCS soldiers at church last Sunday. They told him that things will still be tough in OCS but more relaxed at the same time. Cell phones, nights, and some weekends off--but still lots of PT and class room training (oh harsh). I'm excited about the cell phone part--I haven't talked to him in over two weeks! I know he has a phone card...but I'm guessing that it's his drill sergeants who aren't letting him doing the calling. :( Oh well...we'll be seeing him soon anyway! Yay!