Monday, February 4, 2008

Potty training

So we were at the store first thing this morning (I changed Marcus's diaper when he woke up and then realized that I had used the very last wet wipe we had!). Evelyn spotted the one and only package of disney princess underwear hanging on the rack and it just happened to be her very size. I've been telling her for a while that I'll buy her princess underwear if she'd just pee and poop in the toilet (save me some wipes!). ;) Well, she promised and so we embarked on potty training today.

These are so cute, very much like the ones that Julia used when she was potty training. Disney princess for each day of the week. Well, it was all good for the peeing part. She went around 7 times on her own--always telling me when she felt the need to go (with no false alarms! I could get used to this!). The pooping....hmmm, not so much. It didn't help that she was having liquid poops (guh-ross!). After two accidents of that, we switched back to the diapers (this was half a day later--and she'll go right back into those cute panties when this liquid stuff is done and we get some solids going on). She still tells me when she needs to go potty--not poopy though. But not bad for her first day! Hurray for potty training!