Sunday, February 3, 2008

Just hanging out on Sunday

Another Sunday come and gone...and guess what? Julia spiked a fever in the middle of sacrament meeting. Since Ryan has been gone we've made it for 1 Sunday in church! Is it crazy that he's been able to attend more than we have?! She has a temp of 100.9 as of this evening. No school for her tomorrow. So we just hung out this Sunday afternoon/evening. She was mainly on the couch in her fuzzy PJs while Jacob was on the wii (no surprise there). When he was done, he decided to play with Marcus on the couch. Next thing I know he's asking for me to take his picture. Then Evelyn wanted in on it. I thought it was rather cute (Marcus is a bit gross on his face...he had just finished eating one of my homemade chocolate chip cookies). And I was pleasantly surprised--Marcus kept his eyes open! He ALWAYS blinks when the flash goes off! And he's almost smiling! I love these pix!