Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Surprise Call

So I was sitting at the dinner table about 10 minutes ago putting the remnants of the chicken into a ziploc bag when I looked at the time and realized that it's the time that Ryan would call--if he could. My hopes rose and then quickly dashed as I remembered that during Ry's last call on Tues, he said that he needed a new phone card cause his was about empty (I sent one to him but I highly doubt he got it yet). Well, it wasn't even two minutes later that my cell went off and it showed his area code. :) Apparently there is some church function going on this evening that the soldiers attended--and the members at the church handed over their cell phones so that the soldiers could each have about 5 minutes to call home.

Such a small thing...a phone call, but it is a lifeline for my family. Tonight is a wonderful reminder that the Lord is mindful of us--our wants, needs, desires. And lots of times, it's through His children that he answers prayers. I can't express enough the gratitude I'm feeling right now. Ryan sounded upbeat and in high spirits. He was able to speak to Julia for the first time since he left. She's still smiling about that. :)