Thursday, February 14, 2008

Platoon Guide

Today we received another letter from Ryan (what I consider by far the best Valentine's Day present since we've been married). He explains in his letter how he is now the Platoon Guide (an "honor and a curse"):

"I am next in line right after the Drill Sergeants. I am basically in charge of 58 soldiers. I have 4 Squad Leaders and 8 Team Leaders. I am in charge of always knowing where everyone is. At all times, I need to be aware of personel and weapons. I am also the one who gets to hear all the whining and complaining. Fun, huh? I never thought that 18-27 year olds could whine and complain constantly!.....It does have some nice bonuses though. I get some time to receive instruction by Drill Sergeants on a one and one basis. I am learning tons and soaking up everything I can. The Company Commander, who is a Captain, pulled me aside and told me to learn as much as I can now. Then he slapped me on the arm and said to keep it up! That made my day!"

He went on to say that he's been doing extra running since he received this lovely title and has been marching the platoon everywhere. He's been in charge of discipline situations also...things which he will be doing as an officer--great practice! Needless to say, I am soooooo proud of him! I know that he is able to step up to the job and do it wonderfully. I'm very excited for him. :)

On another note, he wrote that they practiced their IV placements. Ok, I think this is where I'd fail in the army....I grew up giving my dad insulin shots and I was just fine with that. Giving someone an IV is different. I could give my dad his shot in any spot that I chose in his upper arm. No big deal. With IV's you have to search and aim for a vein *shudders*. Not my cup of tea. And anyone who knows Ryan--it's definitely not his! He has a HUGE fear of needles. There was a time during our first year of marriage which I had to take him to the ER cause he completely dislocated his pinky. They had to give him a couple of shots in his finger to numb the area before setting it. Well, he broke out in a complete body sweat (you could see his entire sweaty body outline on the hospital bed after he got up--blech!). Then a year or so ago he had to update his shots while working at the hospital. He brought some OJ to help calm himself down. The nurse chatted away with him til he felt comfortable (all the while he was averting his eyes from his arm). Then she moved away to the other side of the room...he began to feel a bit queasy at this time and asked if she could just do it and get it over with. She just laughed and said that she had already done it (while they were talking). Oh he cracks me up! Anyway, back to his practicing giving IVs.....

"It was crazy! I was all prepared for the lightheadedness and cold sweats. I had someone who I have never met assigned to stick me and have me stick. We had some time to try to nervously talk and try to reassure each other that everything will be OK. He went first-he got the first stick but pulled the needle our before placing the catheder (sp?). That meant that he got a second chance to stck the other arm. The Drill Sergeant actually did the stick and my battle buddy finished setting up the IV. It wasn't cold blacking out....just two sticks and that is it. Yeah me!......Then it was my time. I was more nervous about that. I got him on the first stick and I actually had a good time doing it. Twisted, huh? Maybe I am actually turning the corner!"

Is this the same man that I described before?! Not anymore! He has been growing in leaps and bounds these past weeks! We both know that it is through much prayer from both sides and lots of diligent work. I can hardly wait to see him next month and see this new, more confident him. It's so exciting and uplifting to read his letters and catch a glimpse of his life--he seems to be doing well and enjoying himself at the same time. I can feel his excitement and joy come through his written pages. It always saddens me to reach the end of his letters, but I can feel his love through them and it helps me to continue to feel close to him. I love this guy so much......


Joycelyn said...

Sounds like he's doing stellar! Platoon Guide is definitely something to be proud of. Go Ryan!