Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ko'Olina Bay

We decided to hit the beach today for some fun and relaxation. Lots of people have highly recommended this particular beach because it is so kid friendly. Shallow and very small waves (if any). There are 4 lagoons all lined up in a row. We were in 1B and it was GORGEOUS!!! Here's our pix....

Here we are coming up on the entrance to our own lagoon....soooooooo pretty!

My beautiful aloha girls! There are so many pretty, colorful flowers on the trees here--Evelyn picked up a couple that fell and we put them in her and Julia's hair. :)

I wish everyone could've heard the squeals that were coming from Miss Evelyn as the waves were about to touch her feet for the first time. :)

Sure there's the water to play in, but first things first! One can't go to the beach without making a sand castle! That was top priority for Julia this morning. She was very creative--she eventually added a small river that protected this castle.

This picture cracks me up! Jacob and Julia wanted to be buried in the sand...I was able to catch Julia on camera but Jacob was too fast for me.

Marcus trying to make his own sand castle.


Jonathan Canlas said...

that was a painful read. PAINFUL! :)

Ja said...

SO jealous!!!!!!! you're KILLING me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brad and Colleen said...

I love this pictures. It looks like a wonderful day. We are so glad to here you have made it and everything is working out great. Keep us updated!!

Brad and Colleen said...

I love this pictures. It looks like a wonderful day. We are so glad to here you have made it and everything is working out great. Keep us updated!!