Thursday, July 31, 2008

Like Father Like Daughter

Imp. Imp, imp, imp, imp, imp!!! Ok, that's not Ryan, but Evelyn sure is. But exactly how is this cutie just like her father? Presents. No matter where I hide them, Ryan always finds them (sometimes it's even accidental...but every year he finds them!!!!). So we're celebrating Evelyn's birthday a little early this year. The big day is actually early next week, but since Ryan won't be here and we need to conserve gas, we're headed for a party at Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday (Evelyn's still too young to know that we're not doing it on the correct day). Anyway, so I bought her presents last week and didn't think anything of it when I slipped the bag of goodies under my bed. I have never once seen her under there for any reason. Well, two days ago she came up to me with the biggest, brightest, happiest face and she was telling me all about the Cinderella with dresses, the Belle with her dress, and Snow White with her dresses! Uh, ok, she just listed off the little princess polly pockets I bought. I asked her where she played with those and she lead me straight to the underside of my bed.

So much for a big surprise.

Perhaps she didn't see the brand new package of princess underwear since it was the only thing left untouched. Wishful thinking, I know. Also wishful thinking that maybe, just maybe, she'll have forgotten all about the dolls? (After she showed me I had promptly moved the bag to a new, higher, hiding place and she hasn't, to my knowledge, seen it since).


Did my mom go through this with all of her kids? I can honestly say that I NEVER once went looking for gifts when I was a kid (though I must admit that I'm pretty sure she kept them somewhere in that abyss which was also called her closet). :)

Ok, so maybe she's impy, and a darn good gift finder--but my heart is filled with joy and love as I'm sitting here at the computer and listening to her and Julia (whom I put to bed 30 minutes ago) softly singing "I Am a Child of God" together in their bedroom. So funny how kids can irk you one moment and melt your heart the next. But I don't think any one of us would have it any other way. :)

And as for the whole ruined surprise, well, I don't think her face will be any less exhilarated when she opens her gifts Saturday. She's still getting the dolls she's been begging for for the past few months. Win win situation. :)