Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Yes people, he called this evening right after Dad and James finished giving Marcus a blessing. I could barely hear him cause of all the background noise (on his end) and he barely had any voice left from his first week. I jokingly asked him if he's having fun yet.

"Well, fun isn't exactly the description that comes to mind first" he replied with a laugh.

He then asked me if I've received any of his letters (there's an S on the end of that!). I told him I haven't but that I did receive flowers from him today. *sigh* I love getting flowers from him (it even had his handwriting on the card!). I asked him for his address but apparently he doesn't have one and won't til the end of the week. :(

Not much else was said--he only had a minute (literally). He says he loves everyone and will give us his address when he gets it.

I must say, it was so exciting--I've been jumping every time the phone goes off (with the ringtone set for just anybody), hoping that it's him. Each time I check the number of the caller hoping for an area code which I don't recognize. It happened tonight and oh! I know it was short, but it couldn't have been more comforting. And Dad was right there to hear me speak to him. I didn't hand over the phone (there really wasn't time, he didn't even get to speak to the kids) but Dad's face shone with happiness. I'm glad that he was there.

So to sum it up, he loves us, he misses us, he's surviving, and boy he sounded good! A bit hoarse, yes, but good. That'll sustain me for quite a while. :)


Roya said...

Oh good! My eyes are just watering, remembering the days when we went through it. I'm glad to hear that he is well, and of course that you and the kids are too! Call if you ever need anything.

Joycelyn said...

My eyes are watering as well. I'm so excited he called. I was just talking to Randy about your "silent sunday" post this morning. I guess you can disregard the email I just sent you. :-) Yea!

sharibug said...

thank goodness for technology. I feel your joy and your pain Jasmine. I know how it is to have your husband gone and sort of out of reach. But he is there. Be happy, be grateful. Your names are all in the temple prayer box and will be each week. I love you dear. May He bless you with strength and a cheerful heart.

Love you,
