I absolutely can't wait for school to be officially out. I'm ready for summer days filled with being outdoors: fishing, silver dollar city, the zoo, ect. As of late, I guess we've already been hitting the zoo quite a bit. I just uploaded all my pictures from my camera and I was shocked to see how many were of different trips to the zoo.
Outside of the reptile house is the little area that has little holes in ground. It shoots fountains of water at different intervals (which no one can clock--or no one has bothered trying). On hot sunnny days, this is a favorite play area for everyone. Evelyn loved trying to kick the water as it came shooting out.
Jacob on the other hand liked to splash it upward and get everyone within 10 feet of him wet. No one really seemed to mind though.
All over the park are all these statues of different animals--and I think that all kids have this inherent knowledge that the statues are there solely for the particular use of sitting on them and getting their picture taken.In the reptile house we were just going along and looking at all the snakes when a woman caught our eye. She was sitting in the corner holding a live snake (YUCK!). Julia zoomed over there to see if she could touch it/hold it. Jacob started looking in the cooler (you can see part of it in the corner) to see if she had anymore snakes in it. While my kids were fascinated, Ryan and I started gravitating towards the exit. :)
The elephants are always a lot of fun to see. And at the moment, there is a baby elephant in the herd. It's Evelyn's favorite.
Here we go again with another statue. And look, this one accomodates for two!
Black bear, Black bear what do you see? I see two children looking at me!
This was too precious not to get on camera. These guys are the best of friends.
I don't remember the St. Louis Zoo ever having a feeding/petting area, but ours sure does. The goats weren't too interested that day (I think they were fed earlier), but the kids loved petting them all the same.
Ryan was showing Evelyn another bear...I about freaked out when I realized how far over the fence she was! Of course he'd never let go or let her slip--paranoid mom coming out of me I guess. :) Evelyn was just having a great ol time!
Your kiddies are soo cute!!!! I can not believe how big they have gotten espeically Julia. Would love to hear how you are doing, drop me a line....
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