Thursday, March 3, 2011


All the kids had check ups at the dentist today. The guy took one look at Marcus's mouth and was like, "Oh, we have a thumb sucker here, huh?" He has a huge overbite going on. The thing is, he only sucks his thumb when he's tired....and when he's asleep. I've discovered that he actually sucks his right thumb all night long. So tonight I thought I'd try something to change that. He's sleeping with my socks on his arms (since I can't really wear them while living here anyway....they're still put to good use!). I explained to him that the dentist has said that he needs to stop sucking on his thumb because it's bad for his teeth. His eyes got really big and he just decided then and there that he wants to have good teeth. So, here goes trial #1!

On a wonderfully positive note, this was the first time that Marcus actually sat on the all by himself and let the dentist actually clean his, floss them, and even let them do that nasty flouride treatment! He was so brave! He didn't cry or anything. :D I'm so proud of him!

On an even better note: no cavities for any of the kids.

Lighter note: gotta make an appointment with the orthidonist for Julia. Just to see if any intervention needs to be made.

Expected note: was told to start planning now cause Jacob will DEFINITELY need braces.