Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bribery in its best form

I told Marcus a long time ago that I'd give him a prize if he would poop on the toilet. It could be anything he wanted. After watching Toy Story 3 as a family (this was before Ry left), he decided he wanted a Buzz Light Year. Time has come and gone...and he never did end up doing the deed. Although, as I would change his pull up each day, he'd say, "Mom, if I put my blech in the toilet, I get my Buzz!!!"

Finally--yesterday morning he did it! And at school to boot (it was right when we arrived and I took him to the bathroom). I was sooooo happy and proud of him! His teacher and I gave him high praises for being such a big boy and I promised to take him on our Buzz hunt after school.

So when I picked him up, we just headed over to Walmart since I remember seeing an entire isle dedicated to the Toy Story 3 movie. It was pretty bare when we arrived. There was only 3 Buzz and one lonely Woody left. This certain Buzz is EXACTLY like the one in the movie. His laser lights up, he talks, and his wings pop out. Hooray! I know they had other ones around Christmastime, but they didn't do any of those things. The buttons on him were just decorations. This one is the real deal. :)

Can you tell that he was just a little bit excited about his hard earned toy?