Marcus has officially started preschool! Mon-Fri from 8am to noon. He was scared stiff at first, but by the end of his first week, he was beginning to warm up to his teacher and classmates. He's been having lots of fun making all sorts of crafts. Since it's the holiday season, the children made stockings, decorated a big tree in the classroom, and exchanged handmade christmas cards.
He absolutely adores Auntie Beth (his teacher). He's really improving on behavior in the classroom (which we practice and go over at home). In turn, it's been helping while he's in Primary, too! YAHOO!!!! He really strives to have good behavior in all places now. :) There's a lot less tantrums and it's much easier to get him to move from one activity to another now. :D He's coming along so well!
I have to say, I had mixed feelings about him starting full time school. One the one hand, I know that he needs it. He needs the examples and influence of the other children his age to help him with his speech and social skills. BUT, on the other hand....he's my baby! Ack! And just when I thought that life would slow down a bit with all the children in school....well, yeah right. We drop the older three off at school at 7:25am, Marcus by 8am, and then my gym class starts by 8:30am. I get home around 9:45 and after I hit the shower, eat breakfast, get the laundry started and do my errands, it's time to pick Marcus up again. We have about 1-2 hours til it's time to pick up his siblings. And there went the day!!! Cause after the kids come home, it's homework, cooking dinner, dishes, scouts, activity day girls, ect. It's absolutely crazy, but we love it!
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