Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin time!

We have a big pumpkin which we'll carve later, but I thought that the kids would have fun exploring their artistic abilities on their own little pumpkins.

Marcus had a little bit of help with his. He held the marker and asked me to help him make a face out of triangles.

While all the other kiddos wanted to make the regular pumpkin faces, flowers, ect, Julia (on the other hand) decided that she wanted to draw a Hungarian Horntail (she's now on the seventh Harry Potter book). She looked up the dragon on the net and then drew this. She has some serious talent!

Her finished project! What an amazing job!


Ja said...

DANG Julia!!!!! That's AWEsome!!!!! Seriously. That's a great drawing of a dragon!

John and Caroline said...

Wow! Your pumpkins look GREAT!!!