Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Decor

The kids had fun picking this scarecrow out--she goes nicely with our pumpkins!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Festival

Marcus had a Fall Festival at his school. It was put together by all the moms of the children. We set up lots of different stations/activities for the kids--they had so much fun! Potato sack races, face painting, pin the tail on the cat, potato between the knees race, cake walk, ect. And the kids (and lots of moms) came dressed up in Halloween costumes.
Here's my station! It was so fun to watch the children as they were hopping along.
Marcus LOVED doing the cake walk. Whoever was manning this station had some really fun/silly Halloween music playing for the kids.

Bean bag toss. The kids did such a good job on this one.

Mom helped out--she was one of the face painters. I walked in to snag a pic when I heard that Marcus was getting his face painted....but I didn't even recognize the little guy!

I finally figured out why he looks so different to me--it's the dark eyebrows and lack of glasses! The finished product was being a cat. :) He LOVED it. Thanks, Nana!

They got to carve a pumpkin and look inside to see a little seed. Then they sang a couple songs about pumpkins.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Forehead meets metal corner

It's been a rough couple months for my littlest guy. First, the teeth into Jacob's head. Then, a couple weeks ago we were at a store and he was being his normal energetic self. He was bouncing in place when he slipped and went forehead first into the very sharp corner of a display shelf...which we found out afterwards was metal. OUCH!
I had the Jacob and Evelyn with me at time and we were a good 15 min from home. I frantically called a friend of mine (whose husband is a nurse). He told me to come on over and he's check out Marcus's head to see if I needed to take him to the Acute Care Center. I hightailed it over there and was given these options:

1. Take him in to possibly get one or two tiny stitches (Evelyn promptly started crying at this)

2. Take him in and see if maybe they'd just glue his forehead (Evelyn was still crying)

3. Take him home and lather the owie up with neosporin and keep it covered with a bandaid so that it never sees the sun (leads to bad scarring)

I reaaaaaaaaaaaaallly didn't feel like spending long hours at the clinic while trying to console one crying child and chasing around two rambunctious boys. And I really didn't want Marcus to have to go through the pain of needles and stitches if a simple bandaid and ointment would work. So I went with option #3. This is why in almost all of the pix, Marcus has a bandaid on his forehead.
On another note, I have it on good authority that The Children's Place will give you and extra 15% off of your purchase if your child injures themselves in their store..... :P

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ice Cream War

I was at the store earlier last week and spied this:
It's the Skinny Cow on the left--right next to the Fat Boy on the right. Highly amusing in my opinion. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Field Trip Part 2

I let Marcus have a go with my camera. Here's his field trip through his eyes....

Marcus's Field Trip

Say cheese! Marcus's class took a trip to the Fire Station. A fire fighter there talked to the school and they were able to see the three different trucks that they use (1-to answer calls of distress/help those who have fallen down, ect, 2-for fires, 3-to honor fallen comrade).

They dressed one mom up in the full uniform (weighs in at about 40lbs).

They were all quite fascinated by the little presentation.

Let's demonstrate some STOP, DROP, and ROLL. Any volunteers?

Marcus wanted to have a go at it. Each child had the opportunity to give it a try.

Let's check out those fire trucks!!!

The kids loved looking at the fish tank. It had a HUGE black fish in it.

His expression just cracks me up! He had so much fun playing around with all the little gadgets on the trucks.

Here he is with most of his class and his two teachers.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Selena Gomez, if you please

She was in "a funk" and wanted a new look. A look which involved bangs. A "Selena Gomez" bangs look (AKA Wizards of Waverly Place). So here we are--and she's pretty happy with the new do.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin time!

We have a big pumpkin which we'll carve later, but I thought that the kids would have fun exploring their artistic abilities on their own little pumpkins.

Marcus had a little bit of help with his. He held the marker and asked me to help him make a face out of triangles.

While all the other kiddos wanted to make the regular pumpkin faces, flowers, ect, Julia (on the other hand) decided that she wanted to draw a Hungarian Horntail (she's now on the seventh Harry Potter book). She looked up the dragon on the net and then drew this. She has some serious talent!

Her finished project! What an amazing job!