Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hiking at Dillingham Airfield

Over winter break, we went hiking with some friends up this mountain (behind the camera is the beach where they film LOST. :)

We were more than half way up here. And this was the best photo we were going to get (thanks to Ryan's long arm). After this photo, I believe we left the trail and kept going up steep hills. John was determined that we were going to make it to the very top. He kept saying "oh, it's just after this hill....or just after the next hill....". We went up sooooo many--I was so sore over the next few days!

It had some seriously beautiful views all along the way.


Ja said...

that's it... its official... i'm going to talk to karen serously about coming to hawaii this year... bring on the craziness!!!!! a new born AND grant?! and then i think about YOu...... you are super woman!!!

Jasmine said...

You know I'm just posting these to torture you into coming Ja. ;) Tomorrow morning Ry and I are finally going to do Koko Head. It's over 1100 huge stairs (they're even tall for Ryan). When you come, I'll take you there. :)