No, these aren't vampire wounds (though they kinda look like 'em, huh?). I got a call from the school nurse this afternoon (just like I do each week for one of my kids...they fell down on their head-Evelyn, they have a bloody nose-Julia, ect). It was about Jacob. The poor nurse was trying so hard not to laugh during this call:
"Jacob's Mom? (She can't pronounce our last name and doesn't want to butcher it) I have Jacob in my office. He was chasing the girls at recess *chuckle* and he caught one. *more chuckling* But apparently, the girl he caught turned around and clawed his neck!"
At this point, I'm trying so hard not to laugh. I can just picture my son chasing the girls (it's the classic school game which I've seen continue after school, only it's usually the girls ganging up on him to chase him all the way home). But this time, apparently one of the girls had enough. Everyone knows it was an accident--but it was just so darn funny!
Swallow my laugh "Uh, ok. Can I talk to him?"
"Were you chasing the girls today?"
"Are you ok?"
"You do know that they have cooties, right?"
"Love you, Jacob. See you after school."
"Love you, Mom."
The bandaids came off as soon as we walked through the front door and he's about as good as new. We'll know tomorrow if he's learned his lesson...
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