Friday, August 7, 2009

More hair fun

I've been having some serious fun with my girls's hair lately. I managed to snap a few pix of Evelyn's do this certain day. It looks like just a regular half ponytail in the front....

But then you see the back and it's just soooo darn pretty! I put her hair in a half ponytail...and then put a sock on top of that. A rolled up sock (that has the toe cut out of it) and then spread the ponytail over it to cover it up. Instead of using bobby pins, I just used a black ponytail holder to cinch the hair down. Then a bit of curling with a straight iron and voila! Instant cuteness!

To see the tutitorial on how to do this, go here:


sharibug said...

way cute Evelyn. Love your hairdo.