Friday, April 3, 2009

Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know...

Ok blog stalkers *cough, Jeanne*, I know it's been way too long since I've updated. It's just with our huge move on the horizon I've been trying to get prepared and organized for that. Blogging seemed a bit low on my to-do list. Speaking of this list...I swear, every time we think we're on top of it all, there's a few more things coming out of nowhere that are added to it. Somehow I don't think the craziness is going to stop til we get settled in.

On to the stories.....

So last night Ryan and I went to a Comadant Reception (I'm pretty sure I just slaughtered the spelling on that first word). All the guys in Ryan's class were looking smart in their dress blues. *quick side note--I've always teased Ryan about his outfit not matching (come on, since when does a dark blue and black match?!). He remains indignant over my comments--til last night when he came out our room, having just changed into his outfit, and Julia exclaimed "Daddy--you don't match!"* For the wives, we were told to wear anything from nice dress pants to cocktail dress to all out formal. It was up to us. Well, there's only like, two other wives here and one just happens to be LDS and in my ward. We put our heads together and decided to go all out formal since our husbands were.

It was a rather nice reception. Before entering the hall, we had to form a receiving line--officers with spouses/girlfriends to the front to go first. We then were introduced by name to...uh...some seriously higher up and his wife. *chuckles* Ryan explained it to me last night but it was still over my head. I'm sure I'll understand it more in a year or so. Anyway, it was some very important decorated man and his wife. Then we were free to mingle and get drinks and finger food. Ryan introduced me to quite a few people in his class and then of course the women grouped together (we were seriously outnumbered--there may have been 6 of us total?). We joked about our dresses and uncomfortable shoes (I wore 3-3 1/2 inch heels--practiced walking around in them during the day so that I wouldn't fall down later). Then of course there was the excited talk of where everyone is headed after graduation. :) (And I might add that EVERYONE in my house is getting quite excited/nervous for our move!)

Not much else happened at the reception. The class formally welcome a few very important men and received some awesome/extremely helpful and important advice. I was very impressed with the colonel who spoke. He had a way of catching everyone's attention--keeping it...coming off as very strong, a bit intimidating, extremely impressive, but at the same time--down to earth. It was awesome. I'll never forget that.

I'll be blogging more later--time to pick Ry up from class.

Oh, and the walking practice from earlier paid off--I can now walk in those heels without being wobbly at all!!!! That's an extreme acheivement for me!


karen said...

i want to see a picture of these shoes! they sound awesome!

sharibug said...

I knew you could do it. I always loved going to formals with your dad. We always had fun together going to those dinner dances.

Jeanne said...

THANK YOU!!! I love knowing what you guys are up to...and since you've moved...this is the only way to keep up!

You guys look amazing in your snappy dress...and I love the girl's hair!

Jeanne said...

THANK YOU!!! I love knowing what you guys are up to...and since you've moved...this is the only way to keep up!

You guys look amazing in your snappy dress...and I love the girl's hair!

Roya said...

Okay, so you said you kind of made a headband with your hair - how did you secure it at the bottom? I need to do this with my hair at church, so I'm not always running my hands through it and tucking it behind my ears!

Jasmine said...

Ok Roya, here's what I did:

only I just made one ponytail instead of the two pigtails. I just took my hair that I normally tuck behind my ears and put it in a tiny ponytail underneath all my hair--right on my neckline. (I used the smallest little hair ties that I use on Evelyn) We have a social to go to tomorrow and I'm going to do it again--only with much more in the ponytail to give it a 50s look--with the rest of my hair flipped out. I'll post a picture (and tomorrow I'll give Evelyn the "do" and take pix of the process so you can's soooo simple!).