To kick off Christmas vacation, Ryan and I went to go and scale an obstacle course that Ry and his soldiers use for PT. I warned him before hand that I probably wouldn't be able to do some of it but as long as he helped me, then I was definitely in.
The first obstacle we come to is an 8ft wall. Ryan took a flying leap at it and swung his body over, making it look so easy. I took a big jump and couldn't even touch the top. Ry helped me get up. :) The board was pretty thin--I was trying so hard not to move for this pic cause I was literally abouty to fall off!
Next up is getting down a cliff using the rope. Put it in between your legs and lean out. No problem.

this, on the other hand, was the exact opposite of easy. Notice the step below my feet? (I'm not standing on anything--that thing was several feet behind me). We're supposed to stand on that and jump up to the log I'm hanging off of and swing your body around and jump off. The log I'm hanging off of was so far in front of the lower log that I couldn't reach it. Again, had to have Ry's help.

Dude, here I am on yet another log. Climb/walk up it to get up to the cliff. That thing was so slippery and there was nothing to hang on to. I think I actually felt some fear when I got up a bit and my feet started sliding backwards...

There was two logs, and apparently the one I tried before was the hard one. This one here was shorter and had some grooves that I could hang on to.

Heading down another cliff with the rope. It was different this time cause there were branches and logs everywhere so we had to be careful where we placed our feet.

Ok, by this time, I'm pretty tired (there were other obstacles along the way that we didn't snap pix the pyramid that we had to climb--over a beam, then under a beam, over and under, over and under--my arms and legs will have bruises from that one!). Anyway, with this one, we get to use the rope and climb up a cliff. Ugh. I really didn't think I was going to make it, but I somehow made it.

Climbing my way to the top....

Here was my favorite: start at the edge and use the wood to get to the other side. There were different heights and VERY far apart (especially for us short people). At the beginning, I had to take a flying leap to get to the second step. If you don't make it and fall, you have to start at the beginning again. If you simply can't do it at all, then army crawl on your stomach to the other side. I fell off a couple of times and was terrified that I was going to land wrong on the wood and roll my ankle. But the cool part was choosing the strategy to get to the other side. In this pic, I'm pretty much stretched out as far as I was flexible.

Here we are at the end of the course...and it's another wall. :P This pic also shows you just how tall it was. Again, Ry jumped up like it was nothing and then helped me up.
Needless to say, we were an absolute MESS by the time we were done (and I was eaten 14 times by mosquitos), but it felt AWESOME. We can already spot some bruises on our arms from hanging/dangling from the square beams with our arms and legs and now that it's the end of the day I'm REALLY feeling my sore muscles. :P But we're going to do this again next week for the fun of it. :)
Oh, and Papa, I forgot my camera (didn't think I'd need it for a workout) and Ry wouldn't hand over his phone so that I could take HIS pictures. I'll get him next week though!