Saturday, November 15, 2008

Putting up the tree

Yeah, I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but hey....why not? I found a Christmas CD and put that in the surround sound in the living room (A Normal Rockwell Christmas) and the kids and I had tons of fun decorating.

The kids were so excited to have the tree up--they begged to be able to sleep in the living room. So here's Jacob completely konked out (Evelyn's on the next couch over).

Mind you, we, for the first time, don't have a fire place and Julia's first question was "How is Santa going to get into the house without a chimney?". It has slipped Ryan's and my mind how that works exactly.....Mom? Papa? Any suggestions?


Julila said...

Christmas tree so soon? Good idea, because it gets too crazy in December. Geez I better get my tree up too. (Just wanted to say hi btw).

Jasmine said...

Julila! Hey there girl! LOVE all the updates you send out (your kids are absolutely adorable). Please keep them coming (and more updates on your blog--I stalk it you know.) :)