Thursday, March 13, 2008

Glorious sunshine!

After all the cold we finally had a wonderful day of warm weather and beautiful sunshine! We took advantage of that and played in the backyard after school.

Julia brought home this styrofoam airplane that the kids had a blast throwing around in the air.

Out of view, but Jacob's throwing the airplane in the sky to see if it will reach Mr. Marcus....

This is Marcus's first time on our swing set. He wasn't quite sure if he liked it or not....but when I tried to get him down he ended up I guess he kinda enjoyed it. It was a bit windy that day...just enough so that he was rocked back and forth just a bit.

We have a tree that shed a ton of sticks during the last ice storm. Since it's been so darn cold (and snowing just a week before this) we hadn't been out to clean up the yard. Evelyn was my big helper this day.
You can see here behind Evelyn the damage that was sustained to the fence during the ice storm. What a mess!


Joycelyn said...

Marcus is getting so big! And that pic of Evelyn sitting in your lap next to the tree...that totally could be Julia when she was younger!