Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hair cuts

And so it begins....we had our family portraits done today (those pics to come later) and when we got home Ryan let the kids cut his hair. Why not? He reports to Basic in January anyway. And since he needed to shave his head...well, why not let the kids do it? :) He put a #2 clip on and let the kids take two turns each with the razor. They thought it was great fun. After their turns, I took over and did a more thorough job. :) Ryan likes it (I'm getting used to it). We are quite excited about him being able to join the military. The first bit with basic and then officers basic won't be so fun (for the family since we won't be able to see him), but we know that awesome adventures are in store for us. Ryan will be doing a job he loves (with the opportunity to join the PA program in 3 years) and we'll get to see a bit more of the country/world. The kiddos are even excited about it. And the latest step toward all this: shaving his head. :)


Joycelyn said...

The 2nd pic is classic!

Roya said...

Hooah! Good luck guys! Hope you go to Campbell!