Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My dreaded month

It's coming. As of Friday I'm going to be officially miserable. What does Friday signify? September 1st. Why do I dread September? It's because I'll engage in a MONTH long battle with allergies. To me, September means 30 days of pink eye--itchy, scratchy, puffy, sore. Literally. And with that I'll have a stuffed up, runny nose which will cause me to lose any sense of smell and taste. I'll end up carrying around my own roll of toilet paper--and go through one roll a day for my nose. The strongest prescription out there for eyes hardly begins to help (Patonal). And the Zyrtec doesn't help much either. But at least I can sort of taste when I take that. Clariton, Benadryl, ect don't do a thing.
What brought this on? I never had allergies as a kid or even in highschool or college. Yet, ever since I had Julia I have battled this every September (sometimes into October). I've heard that having kids can change a woman's body and bring out allergies. Way uncool.
It looks like I won't be suffering alone this year. My poor little Marcus has pink eye at the moment. I noticed one of his eyes looking deeply bloodshot last night and he couldn't stop rubbing it. It was also watering like crazy. I wondered if maybe he just got something in it. But when he woke up this morning and it was still the same...well a quick call was placed to the doctor for some medicine. I'm really hoping that he has better luck with the medicine than I do. I don't wish this upon anybody.
I was actually on the phone with Tiffanie explaining Marcus's health today when we joked about the upcoming Friday. I've been feeling pretty good all day and so I joked that perhaps it won't hit me this year. Well, at dinner tonight I couldn't stop sneezing. It was to the point that Julia kept asking what was wrong. My nose is all itchy and a bit runny. Looks like the joke is on me.


Joycelyn said...

Pollen is up and the highest tomorrow down here. I washed my car on Friday and after the weekend was up, it was already covered in a layer of pollen. :-p