Sunday, April 8, 2007

Alright already!!

so joycelyn has been hounding me for at least a couple of months to get my own blog. dude, i have four kids (the youngest only being 3 months old)...when on earth do i have time to blog?! well, she found the time when she was here for easter. the night before she left she sat me down and basically set it up (i think she was determined that i should do this). i email enough pix to all the makes sense to just do this, right? ;P so here we are with the first of what i'm sure is going to be a ton of pictures. i'll be updating this bad boy every couple days...since that's about how often i'm taking pix. so til then....bring on the hp trivia.


Roya said...

Yea! A blog! I cannot believe how big your kids are, especially Evelyn! Kerri and I are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Jonathan Canlas said...

hp trivia? does that mean questions along the lines of, what is the newest HP laptop to have integrated intel celleron processors? wierd.

welcome to the world of blogs.

are you going to houston?

Jasmine said...

yes we are going to houston. we'll head down friday after ryan gets out of class (around 9am or so). jason said he has a room at a friend's house.

Jasmine said...

lol, oh, and hp trivia--harry potter. :)

Ja said...

Welcome--hopefully you can keep yours more updated than i do mine! ; ) I have no excuse.



Jonathan Canlas said...

so wait??? our whole family is going to be together? thats crazy. we have to do pictures. I am not sure how...maybe just hand it off to somebody but...

we find out on the 16th if callie can come. she might be too far along but I think she'll be fine. if she does not come, then the twins stay home and it will be me, mom and isaac...

Joycelyn said...

Yes, finally a Canlas reunion since Jon's wedding! Can't wait to see you all there!

Jonathan Canlas said...

I'll be quizzing you on all the latest gear from hp so you better be ready and know your intel processors in and out.