After we got home from running some errands, the weather was nice and cool with the sun out. We decided to enjoy the weather in the front yard. Marcus has never really been on the grass before so this was a very new and interesting experience for him.
And here we are just goofing off--Evelyn with her "wand" and Marcus showing us how he can talk (turn the volume up--it's not very loud).
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Enjoying the sunshine
Posted by Jasmine at 6:25 PM 1 comments
But wait, there's more!
Julia going on a bit more about the lovely insects...this girl is so smart!
Posted by Jasmine at 5:05 PM 1 comments
Are you smarter than....a second grader?
Apparently Julia has been studying grasshoppers in school this past month. She's been coming home each day with all these random facts about grasshoppers, some of which I wouldn't expect to hear coming from a high schooler let alone a 7 year old. When she started going on about them having compound eyes to our hair dresser, I knew I needed to capture it on camera. Check this out (and turn up the volume really loud).
Posted by Jasmine at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Grapevine to the right
So as most of you know, I've been training to become a step aerobics instructor. Today was my first time leading the class--I was incredibly nervous to the point my hands were shaking. I think I'm pretty good at step...but following is completely different from leading (thinking up the moves and calling them out in sync with the music all while the whole class is watching you). Joycelyn was sweet enough to help me through my nerves this morning (thanks soooo much). I was sorely tempted to practice yesterday...but I just couldn't get myself to break the Sabbath. My reward for being obedient? I got through class this morning (20 minutes worth) with hardly any glitches and my trainer said that she was deeply impressed with how well I did for my first time. She also said that there isn't anything to teach me now and that I should be teaching on my own by next month. :) (I'm doing a victory/happy dance right now). Yay! I don't have to buy another membership next year! I also got a call at 8am this morning from a friend asking me to take over her step class while she endures her third trimester of pregnancy. So it looks like I'll be teaching 2x a week. That should give me plenty of classroom experience to go along with the practice I'm doing at home. I can't begin to describe the immense relief and excitement that's flowing through me right now. It's all coming together!
Posted by Jasmine at 9:39 AM 2 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dude, where's my keys?
Girlfriends are the absolute best...I decided that today as a certain friend of mine drove me home so that I could break into my house and grab my keys (Ryan was called into work early and when his mom dropped him off at our house so that he could get his car, he forgot to give me keys to drive home). Well, my awesome niece was at the church in my van with my kiddos while a friend of mine was helping me open my bedroom window. That was the easy part. The not so easy was hoisting myself head first while trying to maintain my dignity (kinda hard when I'm wearing a knee length skirt that doesn't have a lot of give and my knee high boots). Of course I ended up getting stuck and she literally ended up shoving me through. Lots of giggling, laughter, and a small flash (oops!) (and I'm sure a lovely straight bruise on my backside) later I was able to stand up straight in my room. I think the embarrassment only lasted 5 seconds. She made it seem a lot funnier than it probably was...and it's now open for all the girltalk "remember when jasmine was locked out of her house and i had to shove her through her own window.....".
Posted by Jasmine at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The student becomes the teacher
Ok, I don't know why it isn't showing up shows up when I'm previewing it before (and after) publishing the post. Groovy. You can check out the video here:
Posted by Jasmine at 8:57 PM 2 comments
Father/Son moment
I just had to share this: Ryan and Marcus are watching football together one afternoon. As much as Ryan enjoys football, he inevitably falls asleep during the game (unless it's Michigan playing of course). Well, I think it has the same effect on Mr. Marcus. Observe the evolution process....
Yay! Football's on!
Yeah, great game! Go team...
Go *yawn* team...
Posted by Jasmine at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Trunk or Treat
So tonight was the annual ward Trunk or Treat. I was a bit less than enthused about going this year since I would be flying solo with the kiddos (Ryan doesn't get off til 11pm). :P But we have such an awesome family ward that I was quick to get over the negativity and enjoy the evening. The kids had so much fun with all the activities. After having a fun meal of hot dogs and chili, there was a whole building full of games and activities to explore.
Here's Evelyn having fun doing a cup cake walk. There was music playing in the background as the children were walking around in the circle. As soon as the music stops, the kids stand on one of the squares (which has a number on it). Random numbers are picked from a hat and then the winners get to pick a cup cake.
Yeah, my mouth started watering just looking at this table. Jacob won the cup cake walk and was trying to choose which treat he wanted. All cupcakes were happily donated by our Young Women--they so rock.
In the primary room, some fishing was going on. Evelyn hardly ever left this room--she was content to spend the entire evening fishing for prizes/jewelry. (Don't mind Jacob as he gets rid of his wedgie)
And then to top it off, there's always face painting done by the Young Women. Evelyn sat wonderfully still as she received flowers on both cheeks.
As soon as Jacob sat down he asked for Superman to be painted on his cheek. Well, we couldn't make that one happen...not enough expertise. So then he asked for Spiderman...again a bit too difficult. Finally he settled on Batman and it turned out perfect for him.
Evelyn trying her hand at the bean bag toss...she has a pretty good arm!
After all the kids's activities are done inside, then we head outside to start handing out candy. We had just finished up when this picture was taken (Jacob was off trying to get more candy).
And what does everyone do when you get home? You rummage through all the candy and make sure it's all safe...and then put together a pile of the candy that you personally won't ever eat and therefore won't let your children eat. :) It's perhaps one my kids's favorite moments: being able to dump it all out and check out the goods.
All in all it was a very enjoyable night. The kids were able to play with all their friends and I was able to enjoy the evening with my friends...and not dwell on Ryan not being there. I love our family ward.
Posted by Jasmine at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Pretty in Pink
Today was our ward Trunk or Treat and this year my girls decided to be pretty princesses (this was a big thing for Julia since she has been a Harry Potter quidditch player for the past 3 years). Evelyn was supposed to be a penguin, but as soon as Julia came out looking like a princess, she went and pulled out one of her princess dresses. She was soooo cute, who was I to protest the change? And since they were all dolled up, they actually asked if I would curl their hair--!!! You better believe that I took a million pictures. It all was just priceless!
Posted by Jasmine at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Mr. Marcus is our last baby and I think he knows it. He's been taking his sweet time on everything...crawling, walking, holding his own bottle, and feeding himself. Up until 3 weeks ago, he absolutely would not pick up his cheerios (or any other food) and put it into his mouth. We've had to hand feed him. Well, while we were at Celebration City for the St. John's coworkers family picnic, we found out how to get him to finally feed himself. He just needed incentive: we gave him a cookie and the next thing we know he's sitting quietly while chomping down. Here he is just a couple days later feeding himself a well earned oreo. :)
Posted by Jasmine at 5:55 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Silly Evelyn
Evelyn was goofing off a while ago for the camera. She decided to say a few words to GramMom and Papa.
Posted by Jasmine at 6:55 PM 0 comments