Ryan somehow was able to get the recipe for ooey gooies from Mom (dude, I can't BELIEVE we actually have our hands on this recipe!). For those of you who aren't familiar with these--they are THE best cinnamon rolls EVER. They're handmade by McMom only twice a year--Christmas morning and New Year's Eve (unless McMom falls for Randy's lie that we get it at Thanksgiving too). ;) She has refused to hand over the recipe ever since I've known her. I don't know how much begging Ryan had to do for it, but she emailed it to us right before Randy and Joycelyn came into town. Ryan wanted to surprise them with this yummy coveted treat when they arrived.
Well, apparently, there's a reason we only get this two times a year. It's time consuming! Ryan made the first batch and was like "That was a piece of cake! Why does Mom make a big deal of making it?"....Then he saw how they turned out.... Well, they weren't pretty. Apparently, he forgot to let the dough rise. So, onto batch #2:
Now this is more like it! Soooooooooo yummy! (but not yours, Mom--I think it'll take years of practice to get anywhere near yours). :) As soon as Randy and Joycelyn were in the door we all dug in.
Thank you Mom!!!!!!
Can you pass on the recipe?
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